Professional voiceover and audio production

If your business is like most, you've had dozens of questions while on your search for the right voice for your project. That's where I come in. When you have problems. let my experience and expertise provide the solutions.

Working With Stuart


I am based out of Blank Zone Studio, which is built on a combination of traditional analog and the latest digital equipment. My VO work is recorded digitally to a production computer through an analog-to-digital interface. This "best of both worlds" approach allows the quality and presence of classic microphones combined with the latest non-linear editing and digital processing/management. I am also available for sessions via SourceConnect or CleanFeed.

Digital Formats

Your project can be produced in a wide variety of compressed or non-compressed formats, including WAV, MP3, AAC, OGG, mu-law and many more. If you have a specific need, I can probably deliver it--just let me know.


Delivery typically depends on the size of your project and the demands of your format. I can arrange for delivery via direct download, email, FTP transfer using our server or yours, or CD/DVD by mail (yes, I still get requests for those).


We live in the Technology Age. While this is very exciting, it can be a challenge to keep up with the changing nature of audio production and delivery. If you need a particular format and/or approach, and you don't see it here, don't be afraid to give me a call anyway--I may already be using it.

Audiobook Samples

These are some of the audiobooks I've had the privilege to narrate. If you're an audiobook aficianado, you can purchase the full version by using the links below each sample. If you're an author or publisher looking for a voice for the audio version of your book, I would love to talk to you. Contact me.


Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal Volume 1 Cover

Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal Volume 1
by  Gary Phillips, Mel Odom, Andrew Salmon, Derrick Ferguson

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Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal Volume 2 Cover

Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal Volume 2
by  Derrick Ferguson, Mel Odom, Michael Black, Milton Davis

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Captain Hazzard 2: Citadel of Fear Cover

Captain Hazzard 2: Citadel of Fear
by Martin Powell and Ron Fortier

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Captain Hazzard 3: Curse of the Red Maggot Cover

Captain Hazzard 3: Curse of the Red Maggot
by Ron Fortier and Chester Hawks

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Captain Hazzard 4: Cavemen of New York Cover

Captain Hazzard 4: Cavemen of New York
by Ron Fortier

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Captain Hazzard 5: Custer's Ghost Cover

Captain Hazzard 5: Custer's Ghost
by Ron Fortier

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Chronicles of the Host 1: Exile of Lucifer Cover

Chronicles of the Host 1: Exile of Lucifer
by D. Brian Shafer

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Chronicles of the Host 2: Unholy Empire Cover

Chronicles of the Host 2: Unholy Empire
by D. Brian Shafer

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Chronicles of the Host 3: Rising Darkness Cover

Chronicles of the Host 3: Rising Darkness
by D. Brian Shafer

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Chronicles of the Host 4: Final Confrontation Cover

Chronicles of the Host 4: Final Confrontation
by D. Brian Shafer

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Chronicles of the Host 5: Fire and Sword Cover

Chronicles of the Host 5: Fire and Sword
by D. Brian Shafer

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Golfing While Tipsy Cover

Golfing While Tipsy
by Kevin Michael

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H.G. Wells Classics 1: The Time Machine Cover

H.G. Wells Classics 1: The Time Machine
by H.G. Wells

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H.G. Wells Classics 2: The Island of Dr. Moreau Cover

H.G. Wells Classics 2: The Island of Dr. Moreau
by H.G. Wells

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H.G. Wells Classics 3: The Invisible Man Cover

H.G. Wells Classics 3: The Invisible Man
by H.G. Wells

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H.G. Wells Classics 4: The War of the Worlds Cover

H.G. Wells Classics 4: The War of the Worlds
by H.G. Wells

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Jonathan's Shield Cover

Jonathan's Shield
by Channing Turner

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Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 1 Cover

Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 1
by Bobby Nash, Frank Dirscherl, Win Scott Eckert, Bill Spangler

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Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 2 Cover

Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 2
by Bobby Nash, Aaron Smith, David Walker, Van Allen Plexico

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Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 3 Cover

Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 3
by Bobby Nash, Bernadette Johnson, Van Allen Plexico, Sean Taylor

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Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 4 Cover

Lance Star-Sky Ranger Volume 4
by Bobby Nash, Andrew Salmon, Jim Beard, Sean Taylor

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My Name Is Human Cover

My Name Is Human
by Rob Shepherd

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Paper Wings Cover

Paper Wings
by Les Abend

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Snow Down Cover

Snow Down
by Bobby Nash

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Snow Drive Cover

Snow Drive
by Bobby Nash

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Snow Falls Cover

Snow Falls
by Bobby Nash

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Snow Hunt Cover

Snow Hunt
by Bobby Nash

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Snow Shorts Vol 1 Cover

Snow Shorts Vol 1
by Bobby Nash et al

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Snow Shorts Vol 2 Cover

Snow Shorts Vol 2
by Bobby Nash, Mark Bousquet, Brian K. Morris

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Snow Shorts Vol 3 Cover

Snow Shorts Vol 3
by Charles F. Millhouse, Bobby Nash, Bernadette Johnson

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Snow Star Cover

Snow Star
by Bobby Nash

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Snow Storm Cover

Snow Storm
by Bobby Nash

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Snow Trapped Cover

Snow Trapped
by Bobby Nash

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Snow: Series 1, Vol. 1 (Snow Series Collected) Cover

Snow: Series 1, Vol. 1 (Snow Series Collected)
by Bobby Nash

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The Great War of the Worlds: Shadows of the Past Cover

The Great War of the Worlds: Shadows of the Past
by Eric Goebelbecker

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The Night Has a Thousand Wings Cover

The Night Has a Thousand Wings
by Kevin Candela

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The Russells 1: The Shenandoah Road Cover

The Russells 1: The Shenandoah Road
by Lynne Basham Tagawa

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The Russells 2: The Heart of Courage Cover

The Russells 2: The Heart of Courage
by Lynne Basham Tagawa

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The Russells 3: A Fallen Sparow Cover

The Russells 3: A Fallen Sparow
by Lynne Basham Tagawa

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Apostrophe Catastrophes Cover

Apostrophe Catastrophes
by Jeff Peters

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I Can Stand on Mountains Cover

I Can Stand on Mountains
by Dan Manningham

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Not for Millionaires: 365 Days of Saving Money for Thousandaires Cover

Not for Millionaires: 365 Days of Saving Money for Thousandaires
by Frank Varano

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Poker: Strategies to Dominate in Texas Hold'em Cover

Poker: Strategies to Dominate in Texas Hold'em
by Mike Valley

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Santa Takes a Tumble: 12 Days of Christmas Past for

Santa Takes a Tumble: 12 Days of Christmas Past for "Kids" Beyond Belief
by Len Boswell

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SketchCop: Drawing A Line Against Crime Cover

SketchCop: Drawing A Line Against Crime
by Michael Streed

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The Genetic Effects of Radiation Cover

The Genetic Effects of Radiation
by Isaac Asimov, Theodosius Dobzhansky

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Thinking in Outlines Cover

Thinking in Outlines
by Jeff Peters

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Worlds Within Worlds: The Story of Nuclear Energy Cover

Worlds Within Worlds: The Story of Nuclear Energy
by Isaac Asimov

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